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Jan 13th-Monthly Community Breathwork Circle (Virtual)

*This virtual group will be from 7:00-8:30 pm EST on Friday, Jan 13th, 2023.

*Please note all times are In EST (Eastern Standard Time).

*REGISTRATION CLOSES at 6pm on Friday, Jan 13th,2023.

*Instructions and the link to join the group will be emailed to you automatically. Please check your spam/junk folders in case it is flagged. A reminder email with details will be sent out to everyone by 6:30 pm on Friday, Jan 13th,2023

*A recording will be provided within 24 hours for those who cannot attend live

* Registration is now closed*

We all want to create....

Especially as the new year begins. There is so much space for new possibilities for us all to bring to life.

Everyone is asking themselves what this will be the year of?

We are ready to dive in and take action toward our big dreams and goals once and for all.

Yet, if I’ve learned anything about the process of creation in the past few years, it's that in order to create something new you have to learn to get really good at working with your own inherent resistance to it.

To create something new requires forging your way into the unknown.

Into the space of the void where the magical seeds of creation all live.

And yet to step into this place is to ask the mind (ego) to do something that it is terrified of, give up its control, and need to be right (aka know the way), and surrender to the body and its intelligence to take it from there. 

We all spend a lot of time in our lives avoiding feelings of uncertainty, feeling out of control, lost, or empty. And yet, to journey into the unknown is to come face to face with these feelings and to find the magic that exists on the other side of feeling them. This is the place where life has plans and ideas for us beyond our wildest imagination.

If we can learn how to dissolve and work with our resistance we can more easily step into a space of creation with fewer roadblocks in the way.

I obviously love teaching folks how to do this through the practice of breathwork and then they get to apply it to their lives from an embodied place.

If you would like to learn a really simple way and tool to support you in moving your way through your own resistance towards creating what you really deeply desire this year then please join me. 


For me community is everything.

It was through me finding a community that was centered on radical self-expression, play, transformation, and deep connection that I finally felt supported to keep going on my journey.

Because of this, I am passionately committed to bringing conscious people together in a virtual space to breathe.

We will move together, express, heal and support one other around a specific theme.

Each month’s theme will be released 1-2 weeks before the circle date so please check back closer to the event date.

Breathwork is an active meditation that uses a specific breath technique called circular-connected breathing, along with music and guided support to help you heal on all levels. By breathing in large amounts of energy and air, blockages and old tensions are able to be accessed at their root and come up to the surface to be released, integrated and healed. Breathing in this way also allows you to journey into expanded states of consciousness, making the experience of breathwork one that is ripe with possibility for clarity, creativity and transformation.

On one hand the experience is activating and stimulating, and on the other it can allow you to relax and release tension while liberating limiting beliefs. It can connect you to your innate wisdom while gently expanding your being in new ways you may not have known were possible.

If you are new to breathwork please visit this page on how to prep for a breathwork session.


What people are saying:

"Thank you for holding such beautiful, safe space for us all, to be able to let go our guards and be more of who we are in the current state of mind / hearts that we were individually all in. It is clear that you have built a supportive community that take this work of presencing, healing, and self-compassion quite seriously. I love it. "- Alvin

"Thank you so much for tonight's experience, Jenn! What an incredible gift you have to hold space for healing and transformation. That was way cool, way powerful and way profound. The studio was so lovely too - unassuming in a way, but I could feel something in the air when I walked in - like a depth to it." - Amy T

"The breathwork workshop with Jenn was everything I needed, at a time when I wasn't sure of what my needs were. I felt supported, encouraged, safe, and nurtured throughout the experience. Guided by Jenn, I uncovered some emotions which I felt ready to create space for surfacing. I left the workshop feeling a sense of clarity, renewed hope, and commitment to my journey of integration." - Cassidy Thedorf, Just Be Meditation